Here's an example: "A successful work of art should.......have great attention to detail. The artist should use source material to enhance their work. He/She should also understand the elements and principles of art and use them well to compose (arrange) their work.
PART TWO: Click HERE and look at the artwork. Is this artwork bad or good? Tell me why or why not.
Diana G. Period 1
"A successful work of art should have color and love. Shapes and nature."
I pick this because it would make a picture look more realistc and crazy at the same time.
The art work isnt bad it looks really odd but i like it is really colorful.I like that he has a long face. It looks like if his eyes were taken out and maybe thats why he is sad.
Jake R
Period 1
A successful work of art should be very detailed. The artist needs to compose their work in a unique style and must make their art different from what has been done before. The art must have good use of tinting and shading to give his art different tones.
I think that this piece of art was a good attempt at great work and had a good idea, but isn't good at all. I don't like how there is no background. The hole where his eyes are also confuses me.
Tony C
Period 1
A successful work of art should be detailed and precise unless it is abstract. The artist should know what art is and should use the guidelines of art in their piece.
This painting is not very good because it does not have any background and it doesn't make sense. It isn't detailed and the colors don't match up. If it was more abstract and had a background it might have been better.
Myia R.
Part 1
A successful work of art should have colors and details. The artist should make the picture look real if that is how it is supposed to be. Everything in the world has color so everything in the picture should also have color. The elements of color make the artwork look better of fuller than it does without any color.
Part 2
I think that the artwork is good. It doesn't look real, but the artist probably didn't want it to. The picture has very good color and is detailed in many ways. The features and the outfit of the person in the painting is detailed enough, but it could have had a nice background to make it look even better than it does right now.
Parker E.
Period 1
I think that a successful work of art should have effort. A purpose is why you created it and who is this art work for. The art work should also have a subject and use space.Both negative and positive.He should also u color and shape.To fully create a piece of good art work.
The piece of art work before me by my definition is a successful piece of work. The piece uses color and shape both negative and positive. The space between the eyes. Yellow and green are colors.This is a good work of art.
Period 1 Leban Art
A successful work of art should show the artists emotions and their feelings. Once that is displayed normally a hint of color, line and shape really complete the art... whether it's abstract or realistic. The art (in my opinion) should be simplistic, and not to complicated... following the KISS principle... (keep it simple stupid)
In my opinion, The piece of art shown is not entirely beautiful, but it's not entirely ugly. In my own opinion, I don't think art should be classified between ugly, beautiful, weird... etc. etc. The story in which this art depicts, maybe about the mother who gave her son 2 shirts, Is absolutely great. I think that the lines are simple, they used great color and they really had the concept of the story down... maybe the DEEP blue was a little harsh, but it's still a nice piece of art. personally, I wouldn't mind having that art hung in my house.
Ana G
period 1
To me, successful artwork is using certain elements of art in creative ways. For example, it has to have a good supply of maybe shading or shapes. The final touch to successful artwork is personality of the artist, this shows who the artwork was by because of its originality.
The piece Blue Meanie is good art because of its originality, shading, and form. It has an effect on you that makes you want to enjoy its features.
Kevin B.
A successful work of art should have a lot of detail, and should use colors that fit the picture like using background colors and accurate colors or complementary colors in the art work, and it should draw attention to the main thing.
Part 1: A successful work of art should show your feelings and I think for a successful work of art shouldn't be thought of too hard it should just come to you.
Part 2: I think this is great artwork because this artist probably felt this way when he/she made it.
James J. period 1
art should be carefully drawn
should have details if the picture can be colorful it would be much better
period 1
part 1
part 2 artwork pictures are good like the Chief Pontiac i really like that one
Nia W.
Part 1: A successful work of art should be as unique as the artist. It should use the many elements of art to create the piece of artwork. Also the artwork should reflect the feelings of the artist.
Part 2: The artwork is not bad because it looks realistic and shows realistic detail. The artwork shows that it was neatly done in bright colors.
Claire G.
Period 1
Part 1
I think a sucessful work of art should grab the viewers attention in a meaningful way. It should use good materials and have good detail.
Part 2
Yes it has good detail and colors.
It Grabs the veiwers attention because who wants to look like the Blue Meanie
Joshua H
period 1
there is no such thing as bad art in my opinion because there is no such thing as good art. art is up to the drawers imagination. things that look on way too u may look differnt to others
Michael M,
Period 1
Part 1
A successful work of art should have great detail or color in it. If the artist does not focus on the color and detail it most likely wouldn't be successful.
Emilio M.
period 1
pt:1 A successful work of art should have at least 3 different kinds of elements of art for example texture color and and space
pt2:well this painting is half and half it good because the artist shows texture and color but its bad because it has no background
Naren C.
Period 1
Part 1 A successful work of art should have originality and creativity so that its not a type of artwork that another person has already done. The artist should have some mastery in shape and boldness of color. Most importantly, a person has to believe that his artwork is good
Part 2 I think that it is good artwork because the artist boldly developed the colors and used a unique version of shape to outline the person. It also has evidence of creativity in the painting.
Louis K.
Part 1:A successful work of art should drag the people that our look to buy it or to own it. The person who created the art work should be happy with the art to. So if the artist is happy then the media will be happy.
Part 2: The artwork shown here is very interesting. I think the art is very good. The way the artist used two diffrent colors for the suit is very cool.
charay j.
period 1
part 1. "a successful work of art should have a meaning. if you look at a painting or and a drawing you may say this is a good piece of work. but as you are looking at it you are thinking, why did this person draw this. and you want to know the meaning. if you ask my opinion i would say a drawing should have a meaning.
part 2. this picture is not bad because, if you were to draw a big shape on a some paper thats art. but to actually make a face that look like it has feeling in it, is a great piece of art.
Jason G.
Period 1
Part One: A successful work of art should have 100% effort. the Artist should try there hardest. Use as many colors as possible Add add great detail, do not slack off and just throw any thing down on the paper.
Part Two: I think this artwork is great. It shows a person being sad. He is blue which most times means sad and his facial expression looks
bored or sad. The only thing wrong with the artwork is he is ugly, and has an crazy looking mouth.
Princess G.Per.2
1.A successful work of art should be very detailed,and get the view's attention. It should also be designed to have some meaning behind it,And is neat
2.I do not personally believe that the art work is "good" I think it looks likes its done sloppy. The color's also contrasting.
Mark G.
Period 2
1) A successful work of art doesn't have to have a source material. Even without it, artists could still be able to successful artwork. A successful work of art should also have a lot of detail, because without detail, the artwork would most likely look plain. A successful work of art should also have at least some creative aspects of it.
2) This piece of artwork is somewhat good, because it has consistent shading. I could easily tell the light source is probably coming from the top right corner, due to the shading. However, there is little detail in this piece of art, so it's pretty plain.
Camille M
Period 2
1. A successful work of art should be interesting and unique. It should make you want to look closer. The art can be a drawing of anything as long as it shows the idea or thought.
2. I think that Blue Meanie is a successful work of art. Art shows people thoughts and emotions and i think this artwork shows them well. Even if this artwork is not like others it still is successful.
Caty, C
Period 2
A successful work of art should have feeling behind it,and it should be a treat to look at, it should invoke conversation, or wonder, a piece of blank canvas is not art, it's idiocy.
"A successful work of art should be well done and checked on and colored. when i say that i say that i mean to check over it redo your work.
jayvohn A
prd. 2
Mack S.
Period 2
January 6, 2008
A successful work of art should...........come from your experiences, what you feel, or your past feelings. Art can not be judged by others, because they don't know what the artist has been through or is thinking. That is what i think a good piece of art should be.
Jake E
period 2
1.) A successful work of art should be able to catch someone's eye from a distance. Art that is out of the ordinary keeps people interested, and makes them want to look deeper. Strange color combinations and new types of art styles are a great way to keep someone interested, and is also a good way to express a feeling or opinion. And, after all, art is supposed to be about you, right?
2.) This artwork is defiantly a good piece of work. the second i saw it, i was interested by the exaggerated features and bright colors. This is a picture that could keep someone intrigued for a long time.
John B.
Part one
A sucessful work of art should have a lot of color (depending on what you're drawing or painting) and cover most of the page. It shouldn't look like a 7 year old drew or colored the art. Sorta like don't just go through the motions. Progress.
Part 2
I thought the painting was pretty good. It wasn't just through the motions, it went like above and beyond.
Mack S.
Period 2
I think that this art work is good. I think so because the person used the colors well, and maybe the person drew what he/she is or was feeling. I think that this piece of art is very good.
Isaiah R.
Period 2
A) A successful work of art should catch an eye. It should be fully colored and not a lot of empty space.
Also a lot of detail in the art work
B) I personally don't like it but other people in the world might think that it is wonderful. Not every one is going to like or dislike artwork.
I think the art work is good because it all shows different emotions of the colors and the features the long face resembles sorrow, the blue shows sadness, the yellow shows brightness ,the green shows energy ,and the red shows anger the different attitudes put together shows a good collage of colors and actions...
~~Lauren Hart~~
Damien Q. Period 2
Part One
A successful work of art should have lots of color and no blank space. The artwork should look like the artist took more than 10 minutes to complete. The page should be filled up with colors and the shapes should be clearly defined. The coloring should be within the lines and it should be bold and it should look thick.
Part 2
I think that this artwork is good but also very weird. The drawing is better than anything I could ever do. The colors blend well and the coloring is bold and thick.
The picture is weird and the person looks sad but overall the picture is good.
Claire JN
Period 2
1. A successful work of art should have somewhat of an idea of what is going on or who it is in the painting or drawing. Also a successful work of art should have good color that goes along with the painting or drawing.
2. I think it is a successful work of art because it has many colors even if the colors don't show how the person is feeling it shows u can tell how he feels because his face is blue and his lip is drooping a little. Also if the colors don't show how he feels pacaso use to pain like this all the time and people knew what he was trying to show in his paintings.
Tacourrus M.
period 2
1)A successful work of art should be well thought out. The artist should be creative with their work. He/She should be able to show their viewers what the meaning of the artwork is.The artist should have a rough draft of their work before having a final that way they know if changes should be added or taken away.
2)This artwork is good. It shows face expression. He looks like he's depressed and thats why he's a meanie. The color of his shirt being green and yellow with a black and red tie. It seems that he doesn't care about his appearance to others going along with the blue face of his.
Bridget W
Period 2
1. A successful work of art should show that thought and time was but into it. The art should have minor visible mistakes and color should be seen in every possible space, depending on the subject of art.
2. My opinion of this artwork is, I think its really good because the artist put a lot of detail into it and used a lot of color.
Mara L
Period 3
Part 1
A successful work of art should...... be well thought out, eye catching and creative. Art is a creation and it should be something you want to look at.
Part 2
The artwork is good because the picture is creative and eye catching.
Nick M. Period 3
Part I:A successful work of art should...show great emotion. Portray how the artist is feeling, give us an idea of his life. It should show detail, and be unique. It should prove to its viewers time was spent on it. If one has taken care of it as if it was the most precious thing to them. It needs to show that the artist cared for it and is proud to let the world view it.
Part II: This art is spectacular. It has all the qualities that tell us it is good. It is abstract and though I do not like it that much it is a good piece of Art.
Eddie K.
part 1.
A successful work of art should have a lot of creativity in the piece and a lot of detail. they should make a spec of dust if there is one. Leave nothing out of the picture, make it look real.
part 2.
This picture is very good it has creativity and it might have emotion. which is all good.
Dryden S.
Per: 3
Part #1
A successful work of art should......... connect with regular people. The artist should make artwork that the people can connect to, therefore the people will find the artwork "good" or successful.
Part #2
I think this artwork is bad because it has a sad feeling which may make the viewers sad.
samijo m
period 3
part 1
A successful work of art should have a lot of detail such as color. fpeople want o see a picture that it eye catching and that put a smile on there face.
part 2
i think thats this picture is very unique because you dont see very many pictures lie it , i like the colors and everything about it.
per: 3
"A successful work of art should imagination and creativity." The artist should use imagination while creating a piece of art. Creativity will make art seem nicer.
I think this art work is bad. This art is hard to tell what the topic is about. This has no back round, and i cant tell what the meaning of the picture is.
jackson k-m
period 3
part 1
A successful work of art should express the artist's feelings. It shouldbe done with effort, and not carelessly.
part 2
I think this is a good pice of art, because it expesses emotion, and it looks like the artist applied a lot of effort.
Zane J.
Period 3
Part 1
A successful work of art should be done with the greatest amount of effort. If the artist puts a great amount of effort, it doesn't matter if it looks odd or weird. Each Piece of artwork appeals to different types of people. Many pieces of artwork consist of a portrait of an old person. The piece of artwork could appeal to the critics, but not to the public. Also, the vice versa could be true.
Part 2
The piece of artwork in the blog link called "Blue Meanie" Is good in my opinion. It is a piece of abstract artwork in my opinion, representing cruelty in my society. The artist also should have added a little something for the background in my opinion. The Shape and texture of the shirt looks almost real. If you are looking for How the piece is done, i think it is good. If you are looking for concepts, that is an opinion.
It's up to you to decide.
Andrew H
per. 3
I think it is cool.
I like the long blue face
Connor F. Period
Part one
The art i viewed was amazed. It looks unique and cool. It also had a wierd twist to it so i thought that art was good.
Part two
A sucessful piece of art should be original. If an artist copies someones work,it makes the artist and his work much less respectable.
Joe T.
Period 4
Part 1
A successful work of art should inspire anybody who looks at it. This means that the artist should work with materials to help them get a better feeling of what to draw. The artist should also enhance the colors and great features of the painting.
Part 2
I think that this artwork is "good" because it enhances all the colors and it gives good features. This artwork also inspires me in new and creative ways.
amani h
period 4
A successful art work of art should be from the person heart. Something that they really care about and put a lot of work and time into it.
I believe that it is a good peace of work that someone put time into to make it the way the saw it in there head.
Isaac F Per.4 1-6-09
#1 A successful work of should show what the artist is trying to say of express in the art that the person is making or has made.
#2 I believe that this work of art is good it is very detailed piece of work, it is also what the description of it is and not something else.
Nicholas S.
Period 4
Part 1: A successful work of art should have good coloring and be very neat, the artist should know what he wants to make and show skillful ideas.
Part 2: I think this is a good work of art because it has many different colors and shows a different perspective of something or a "person"
Rachel G.
period 4
I think that a successful work of art should be able to show how much time and work the artist put into the piece and also it should be able for people to understand. If people do not understand the piece they might think that it is ugly and won't want to buy it. Also I think that for a successful work of art it shouldn't just be put together in five minutes.
I think that art work in the picture that was showed to us isn't that great. It shows some nice qualities like neatness and colors but you can't understand the picture just by looking at it, which I think is important. Also I do not think it is good because it is trying to show two different concepts in one piece, by having bright happy colors but also having a man with blue skin who is frowning. I think that they could have worked a little bit more to try to make this piece better and not as plain instead of the way it is.
Sasan S.
Per. 4
Part 1: It has attention to detail, but more exotic, darker colors would be needed when painting on a canvas surface. The symmetry of this design is great, but could use horizontal design for more unique connectivity.
Part 2: This artwork's quality is extremely detailed and shows a unique blend of figure and design not found in many other artworks.
Grant H.
Period 4
Part 1.
A successful artist should show how he feels through the picture or sculpture. You should be able to feel the emotion and feeling of the artist when looking at the picture. If an artist is mad then him drawing a happy picture will probably be unsuccessful.
Part 2.
I think the artwork could be improved. I like the face, because I can see that he is unhappy. However, I don't understand why the artist picked green and yellow for the suit. I think it drags you away from the meaning of the picture.
Austin B
Part 1
i think that that A successful work of art should be like good quality and really good color like as in t choice of color and the cleartiy
Part 2
i think it was really good because of the like different type of theme than normal art work
Graeme M.
period 4
part 1
A successful work of art should have lots of detail, a meaning and more than one thing. A work of art should have a meaning and a reason for why the artist made it. Also it should have lots of color and more than one object and/or person.
part 2
It was okay but I think it could be better or improved. I think it should have a background and more detail.
Alexander G.
Period 4
Part 1: Have an ample amount of detail, it should have some kind of symmetry and many kinds of color & samples of creativity.
Part 2:This piece of artwork is very well done. It shows creativity and pizazz. The color stands out because of its complimentary. I wonder what the artiest as thinking when he painted this.
Reeta M.
Period 4
Part 1
"A successful work of art should................be detailed,and
sometimes so how you feel.
I think this because if you see a piece of art that doesnt show peoples feelings its not that great.but if you go to an art gallery all the art there expresses peoples feelings.
Part 2
The artwork is good because it show how the person kind of felt when they made the artwork.
theodore k
period 4
part one: A successful work of art should show your feelings about your art work or how you feel about your self and good texture and color.
part two: I think this art work is good because the picture shows emotion texture and color
Period 4
Part 1
A successful work of art should express your feelings and what you are thinking.You shouldn't worry about what anyone else says about it.Nobody else matters, it's just what you think.
Armani F
Period 4
A successful work of art should be done with hard work,neatness,and with
concentration because if you focus on
what you work on and if you take your
time on it,you can get it done right
and it would be done as a true work of art!
I think that the artwork is good because the artist actually makes
the person in the picture look like
a real meanie with the long blue face,a shirt with one side green and the other side yellow,and a red
and black tie,making him a blue meanie.
Kyle V
Period 8
A successful work of art should be colorful, neat, and make good use of space.
I think the painting "Blue Meanie" was bad because it did not make good use of space. Space was not used properly because there was no background at all.
period 1 zach z. i think art could be whatever anyone finds interesting or nice looking, but if the artist just did it to make money i think it is nothing unlless its really interesting, the art looks like a foggy day.
Ryan E. Pd.8
Part 1
A successful work of art should have color, shapes and contrast. Colors make the art its own unique kind of feeling that the art is trying to express. Shapes can give art work volume and dimension. Lastly, contrast makes the artwork look 3-D.
Part 2
I like the colors. However, the face is really weird and I probably wouldn't want it hanging in my room. Overall I might give this painting a 5 out of 10. So basically this is a half-decent piece of artwork.
Neil V.
#1 Successful work of art should have the skill and attention to detail. it should have the objects to be different than other objects.
#2 This artwork is nether good nor bad, for its style it is good but in my eyes it is bad.
Ryan S.
Period 8
A Successful work of art should....... have the artist's emotions and opinion into the painting and have their favorite qualities in their painting because people have their own styles that are theirs and that is what makes them their own work.
Francesca B
Period 8
Part One:
A successful work of art should stand out. The best art, to me, is when it is different in some way. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone besides the artist themselves to be beautiful or good. All art is successful because it is a reflection of who the artist is or how they were feeling.
Part Two:
I think that this is good art. It is not beautiful, and I actually don't think it's nice to look at, but it is good art because it is showing something. There is obviously some meaning behind it. It is interesting how it looks like it's just a mask or something, with weird cloth draped over a body. It's weird, but very artistic and different in the way that the artist did the details of the face and clothes.
Madelaine N.
Period 8
Part 1
A successful work of art should have personality. The artist should put their own ideas and art style into the artwork, so it's different from everyone else's.
Part 2
I think the art is good, but different. It's very colorful, and it looks like the artist put a lot of heart into it.
Aaron S.
Period 8
Part 1
A successful work of art should include a detailed background and picture that is up to your standards.
Part 2
This is good artwork because the picture shows how the person is feeling like. I could see that he is sad. At the same time it is kind of bad because it has no background.
Xenia M.
Period 8
Part 1
A successful work of art should come from the heart. The piece or artwork should be worked on and thought about for a good amount of time. The piece of artwork may be blank, but as long as it means something, it seems successful to me.
Part 2
I think this a good piece of artwork. It has vibrant colors and is unusual and different. I think the artist spent an appropriate amount of time on it and it look like it was something special to the artist.
Mac C
Period 8
Part 1
A successful piece work of art should be from the mind and totally your own idea. It should have different colors and shapes and should express the artists thoughts.
Part 2
I think that this was a good attempt to make good artwork. His face is to long. The colors dont really clash well with each other and the fact that he has no eyes isn't helping anything.
Alex G.
Period 8.
Part 1.
A successful work of art should focus on details and express the artists thoughts. Good artwork means time and effort go into it. Artists should express what they want to say into their art.
Part 2.
I like this painting because it is a realistic figure taken and made unrealistic. I also like the different colors on the shirt.
Conor D
Period 8
A successful work of art should be creative and unique. It should be something that comes from your mind and heart. Only you can decide if it is successful or not.
This work of art is not bad. I think that this artwork came from the artists' own mind and emotions. This work describes what the artist is feeling, or what they are thinking.
Justus J
period 8
part 1
A successful piece of art should be from the heart also the mind
part 2 i think this art is an way of dealing with an expression and that the man is very down very sad GREAT JOD
Ryan S.
Period 8
A Successful work of art should....... have the artist's emotions and opinion into the painting and have their favorite qualities in their painting because people have their own styles that are theirs and that is what makes them their own work.
The painting is good because of its use of color and odd shape. Such as, the work missing its eyeballs and the shirt color divided in half with green and yellow.
Jack D.
period 8
Part 1.
A successful work of art should be a good detailed picture and background which comes from your heart and mind.
Part 2
I believe that the blue meanie is a good detailed piece of art. the shading on his face shows the expression on his face which is depressing.
Loren H.
Period 8
Part One
The way I see it, a successful work of art should have extreme detail and you should be able to feel the emotion or thought within the piece.
Part Two
This is a good piece of art because it makes you think. Does the yellow and the green represent a split personality? As in green for sadness and yellow for happiness. The sagging in the man's face and the pout on the lips clearly shows that he is sad on the outside, but maybe he is having a happy party in his head. To me, his missing eyeballs may leave him clueless. As in he may not be able to show the right expressions for the right emotions.
Merry Bamba
Period 8
Part 1
I believe that a work of art should have a little piece of you in it because the little personal touches that you put in the piece is what makes it unique.
Part 2
I think that this is a wonderful piece of art that should be admired,I can't draw like this.So I just have a biased,opinion.Of course this is not your everyday art and it should not be so.Art should be unique and a little part of you should always be in it,because that,makes it unique.If I were to grade this I would rate this a 5 out of 5 stars.
Devin A
Period 8
Part one
A successful of art should be from the heart also from the mind. Part two This guy is blue and that shows he is sad and has mix emotion beacus e of the diffrent color he is wearing
Serena B.
Period 8
Part 1
A successful work of art should be from your heart. It matters if you put effort in it, because if you don't then it wont mean anything. Detail is important as well, but mostly in thought. All good artwork, to me, takes time.
Part 2
I think that this is a beautiful piece of artwork, not my particular style but still good art. It probably did take time and effort. I like colors and this painting defiantly has color. Some paintings are strange like this one but they are still good.
Ariel J.
8th Period
Pt. 1
A successful work of art should be expressive. It depends on the person for what to them is "successful", but it should be unique and true to them as far as the piece is concerned. Art is for expression, so anything that effectively gets your point and feelings across is a good piece to me.
Pt. 2
I think the painting is good. It's kind of depressing actually, but it kind of makes me laugh. One thing that kind of stands out to me is how there are mainly bright colors all over the painting, but it still finds a way to be...morose; since bright colors are usually associated with happiness.
brianna c
period 8
#1- a successful work of art should be your way,showing how you feel. you can do this by using your favorite materials and color and by just expressing how you feel on a piece of paper. (sad,happy,so-so ect...)
i think it is good work because you can add so much to it even with your imagination. it can even remind you of someone.
Porscha C.
period 8
#1 A successful work of art should have originality.
A artist should have a creative mind. They should take what they know make piece of art that hasn't been made.
#2 This piece of art as originality . The colors in the art have nice since of color.
najiya d.
period 9
part 1 my question is how did you do all this nice artwork?
part 2 i think the answer is maybe you take art lessons or practice at home or something to that degree
jack w
period 9
number one
A successful work of art should be famous! I think that because if it is good then it deserves to be well known.
number two
i think this is unusual and yes, it is good!
matthew s
period 9
number one
A successful work of art should we known by lots of people! and be very well done with the colorz matching VeRy WeLl.
number 2
i think its kinda wierd, but still ok!
Emma F.
Period 9
Part 1
A successful work of art should be creative and grab the viewer's attention. The artwork should be colorful and unique. That is what would make it special and successful.
Part 2
This piece of artwork is good because it is very original and unique. It may look strange, but it's the way it is different that makes it successful.
Hannah G.
Period 9
Part 1
A successful work of art should be very neat and detailed. I think it is important to have detail added to a picture because it makes the picture seem more realistic and more life-like. Neatness is always a great thing to make your picture look clean and professional.
Part 2
This piece of artwork is a good piece of work because, although it may not look the best, that probably is the style of work the artist was trying to do. The picture is neat , detailed and looks as if the person put a lot of work into it.
Jena K.
Period 9
Part 1
A successful work of art should have lots of thought and creativity. I believe that an artist should have a lot of thought put into his art because it will make it look neat and like he/she spent a lot of time on it. Creativity will make it look original and interesting.
Part 2
I like this painting because it is very interesting and colorful. it looks sloppy and weird at first, but after you look at it for a while, it is very appealing. This must be the type of art this artist had in mind when creating this piece.
Cody H.
Period 9
A successful piece of art should be whatever an artist feels when he makes it. It should have a background even if its just a color.When a background is white it does not make someone want to look at it. it should have creativity to. it should be something different.
i don't think the artwork is bad i think it is a little dull though.It should have a background. i like the person in the piece it is interesting and weird but it really needs a background.
elizabeth A-F
period 9
Part 1: A successful work of art should be one of a kind something different then others. It should get peoples attention n a unique way. The art should have good use of color setting and shading.
part 2.i think the art work looks bad because it does not have alot of color and no back round it looks very plain and boring if it had different color and a back round it would look better.
neathen c b
period 9
part 1 A successful work of art should have a balance of colors and the lines should be straight and diagnali if you are not doing a spiral or anything like that.
part 2tell me why or why not bad because it looks like a old man that is always sad
warren s.•
period 9
part one: A successful work of art should be something that is new and not copied from another artist and something that took you time.
part two: I think that it would be very hard to draw and I think that it was really good.
period 9
A successful work of art should take hard work to do and lot of time because it wouldn't be a great work of art.
#2 i like every thing about it and it was great
Jack M.
period 9
a successful work of art should have meaning to it. a work of art should be different that others and have a different way of showing its meaning than others.
this artwork is good because it is unlilke other peices of art i have seen and you can tell that the person is sad.
Jalenn M Period 9
#1 a successful work of art should be of what he or she is thinking about and also what he or she's life been through .
Draco-Pisces M. Period 9
#1: A succesful piece of art should show what the artist wanted to express. This way other people will understand it better.
I believe that this will ensure that the artist spends lots of time and effort, so the song, dance, picture or sculpture has more depth.
#2: I believe that the artist was attempting to show sadness causing bitterness by giving him a long face, and blue skin. However the painting has little detail and no background. It seems as if little effort was used. :P
Ivan L. Period 9
A work of art doesn't have to be detailed or colorful to be successful because some people might like the drawing while others don't.
I think this painting is good because it's more of an abstract idea than a drawing
Andrei T
part one: A successful work of art should be neat and drag lot's of attention to people as they see it.
part two: The artwork looks nice but it doesn't look as real has any other painting it also is has a neat shading in it and lot's of creativity
Shandy L-S
Period 9
A successful work of art should take more than a day to make. No great piece of art can be truly made and perfected in one day. The piece can only be made solely by the artist, but it can be perfected only by getting the perspective of other artists and just regular people. Their ideas and thoughts are the key to having a "perfect" piece because a perfect piece is being liked by the majority of people.
The pice of art on the webpage is good because it has vibrant colors, good image, and most importantly it has depth. It is quite good.
Gabe GB
A successful work of art should have color and light . As much as art needs that, it needs a topic, a meaning. If you want other people to understand your feelings' you need to make it clear for them.
Part 2
This painting is OK because it has color, light and a meaning.
Delaney Miller
period 9
part 1: A successful work of art should show the persons style. Each artist has there own style that makes them unique and interesting. If everyones art had the same style i guess they would all be good, but would they be interesting, maybe not.
Part 2: I think this artwork all has different style. Each one of them is good in their own way witch makes them all absolutely amazing!
period 9
part one: a successful part of art should be colorful it should have a something special. it should have a lot of color to it.
part two: I think that this is a bad drawing because it's lip is HUGE!!
andre L.
period 9
honestly it wasn't that good but you could improve on that any time. the colors were distinct and i couldn't understand them and how they were put on a human being.
It was really ugly.
Jordan JI
Period 9
part 1: A successful work of art should have color and what you think is you like because everyone has
there own picture of art they like.
part 2:in my opninon i think its bad because it has nothing on it
sophie c
period 1
A successful piece of art should be well detailed, it should be easily interpreted and the idea should be clear. The idea should also be ex pressed in a colorful and unique way it should not be drab or colorless in any way whatsoever but it should certainly be creative it should NOT
be copied.
sophie c
period 1
This is good artwork because whoever painted it obviously had a negative opinion of the subject (clear message) the blue skin interprets sadness the pupilless eyes sugests no feeling or reason the extreme edge and curve of the face or more particular, the frown, describes the overall feeling anger and sadness. The clothing not the shirt but the tie gives a buisness like aura to the charector a politition perhaps? or a particularly vicious buisnes man?
Eddie S. Period 1
I believe a successful piece of art takes thought and hard work from the artist. They should also incorporate the elements of art and originality along with the artist's signature style. Many pieces of art are labeled "bad", but to me, they're only bad if the artist put no effort and thought into it.
"Blue Meanie" piece of art has detail accompanied by vivid colors and abstract/surrealistic ideas. In my view, "Blue Meanie" is a great piece of art because the artist would've made a regular person in blue in a regular place but instead he/she chose to discriminate from the way actual people look and left the eyes and background blank. I think the blank eyes that the "Blue Meanie" has no emotional thoughts and is part of reason he is called a "meanie", his blue tinted and shaded skin is what first made me think about why the artist would create such a abnormal art work.
jayona critz period 2
a succesful work of art should realate to something that alot of people can agree with. like an historical or sport event.
im also not a big fan of this art work but i love the creative colors and how u can tell exactly how the artist felt when he/she made it.
Akili L. Period 9
A sucessful work of art should have meaning to the work or some people might not get the picture.
I think that the artist might be thinking about hen he was drawing was that old people try to be cool and in style and to be colorful and bright.
micahel davis
sucessful art should show feeling and pashoin.it should show detail and it.
it is good because it have alot of color in it.in ti have alot of detail in the art.
Nick R. Period 9
"A succesful work of art should have alot of detail and color."
I think this because whenever i look at art i always think its a nice and interesting picture when its filled with detail and color.
I think this piece of artwork is average because it is interesting but it doesnt have alot of detail and color.
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