No, I'm not pushing my political views onto you... but artist Shepard Fairey is. He is using his artwork to help support a candidate that he believes in (and you thought artists just painted pretty pictures...).
Shepard Fairey is pretty well-known. In fact, I bet you've seen his work and never even knew his name! The artwork he is most known for is referred to as the "Obey Giant." But he's done some other artistic projects you might be familiar with as well - he designed the loading screen for Guitar Hero II, and the game menu of Tony Hawk's American Wasteland features some of his art as well.
So how does all of this equal extra credit for you? One of two options:
1. Find another artist creating political posters/artwork for either presidential candidate, and tell me about it (web links would be nice - provide the address, please, so I can check it out).
2. Look up Shepard Fairey, and tell me about another one of his artworks (besides the Obama and Obey Giant pieces) that you enjoyed - and WHY.
Don't forget about the posting rules to the right! Thanks!
Joe G. 10/13/08
period 2
One other piece of artwork by Sheard Fairey i really like is in his new show E Pluribus Venom. It's of a couple looking off into a smoke filled sunset with a caption that says, these sunsets are to die for! i really like this piece because its not just some global warming poster; it's a artistic look into a really big problem.
anthony castiglia
One other piece I like is My Favorite Taco because I enjoy the red in this painting and I also like the patterns and how realistic it looks.
Haskell M.
Period 1
A piece of artwork by Shepard Fairey i like is "Rise Above". It is a picture of a Fist with a watch that has a peace sign and says obey with a caption of Rise Above on the sleeve. I like it because it signifies peace with the peace sign on the watch and it looks cool and he only used 4 colors.
yusuf k.
Period 9
Another artist who paints political art is a man named John Robertson. He paints pictures of both John McCain and Barack Obama with unique colors. He supports both sides of the election and I enjoy his picture of Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve. http://socialpoliticalart.com
Michael p
per 4
A piece of artwork by shepard fairley that i enjored was rise above. i enjoied it because it takes a dangerous weapon like an Ak and has flowers shooting out instead of bullets
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