Click on the links below to watch each of the videos and then answer the following questions in a single post. DON'T FORGET TO LABEL THE POST WITH YOUR FIRST NAME, LAST INITIAL, AND CLASS PERIOD!
Video A: Perfect Circle Drawing
Question # 1. Do you really believe what you are seeing?
Question # 2. Brainstorm one way this man could make money using this talent.
Video B: Chalk Street Drawings
Question # 3. Describe what you were thinking about the drawings as you watched them. Were you amazed? Were you skeptical?
Question # 4. Visit this artists website below and compare his chalk drawings to his Fine Art paintings.
Joe T. Period 3
#1.Yes I do believe what I am seeing
#2.No I don't believe that there is a freehand circle drawing contest.
#3.I was amazed by how he got the depth perception just right so it looked like the drawing was alive.
#4.I think it would take about 6 hours to make that kinda of drwaing
Zoey L.
Prd. 3
1. I really didn't believe he actually drew the perfect circle....
2. Not really.
1. I was like "wow"
2. It probably takes a week, maybe more.
Sammii M.
Period 3
#1. Yes
#2. Yes, possibly
#3.I was thinking there's no way this is all chalk. I was amazed.
#4. Days,Weeks,Months possibly.
yes i do belive it but since i'm a teen i can't do it but some of the thing s he's drawing is really funny and cool. Kiana H
1. Yes he probably did do this by freehand it just took him a while to practice it.
2.No I think there were some kids just playin around trin to get a laugh.
3. I was think that these would be easy if you took your time and just looked in from a certain angle. It did look cool though.
4.It probably took a little while. It wouldn't be anything that you could do in 20 minutes.
Rashaun S. per. 3
Steven Field per 3
1.yes i think it would take a lot a practice tho.
2.i am suer that it is real but it does sound a little silly
Question 3#
i actually believed that it was coming out of the sidewalk and that there were holes in the sidewalk too.
Question 4#
I think that it would take a pretty long time because you have to find the right angle and everything, and then you probably have to draw it from the right angle too.
Elise D. Prd.3
Leann B.
Period 3
Video A) 1. I don't really believe he could have drawn a perfect circle.
2. I don't think perfect drawing circle contests exist. I think you could find evidence on the net that they do not exist.
Video B) 1. I was really surprised that they could make things look like they were actually there. Some of the were pretty funny and cool.
2. I think it would take a while to get the angles to draw the picture just right, and include all the
1. I do believe what I am seeing because I saw the guy drawing the circle. There is no way he could pretend to draw the circle or try to fool the students because the students were right there and he was being videotaped.
2.I think perfect circles drawing exist because there are a bunch of other weird contests so why not have a perfect circle contest. You could find perfect circle contests on Youtube.
3.When I was watching the chalk drawings, I was amazed and I thought they were super cool. I was thinking to myself as the pictures went by, I said "How does he do that, and all by himself?" I wish I could do something like that.
4.I think it would take forever making these chalk drawings because with all the colors, shapes, shades,and angles he had to do. It probably take him forever to do those drawings. Maybe he tries to do the drawings faster and faster so it won't take as long. He probably has a lot of experience doing all these drawings. It really doesn't matter how long the drawings take because in the end it turns out to be a really cool drawing.
-Lizzie K. Pd. 3
i dodnt think theres such thing as a circle contest. i was amazed becuase most people in the world can't do that.I think it take a long time to make about 7months .kianaH
Samantha M.
3-20-08 p.3
1. I don't completely believe what i saw, but it seemed real. Also if it was real, it must have taken allot of practice.
2. A perfect circle drawing contest probably does exist somewhere. But it's probably not widely known. Also I couldn't find anything on the internet about a perfect circle drawing contest.
3.When i saw the drawings i thought that they were really cool. Ive seen them before and weren't sure of them, but in the video you learned that you have to look at them from the right angle.
4. It would have taken a very long time to create a chalk drawing like these. Probably over five hours, maybe even longer.
Jack Johannesson
Leban 3rd
1. I do believe that he drew a perfect circle but I have trouble believing the chalk drawings.
2. No, why would there be a contest for a perfect circle? There are more intresting things that deserve a contest.
3. When I saw the chalk drawings I was amazed and still have some doubt about them, just because they're so good.
4. I think that it would take about 2-3 days because the artist probably got really into it.
1. Do you really believe what you are seeing?
I do believe what I am seeing. I know that it probably takes a long time to perfect that, but his technique was great! I also saw the man perform it right in front of my eyes. He must have practiced long and hard because it would take a lot of practice to be able to draw a perfect circle.
Question # 2. Do you think perfect circle drawing contests really exist. Can you find evidence on the net?
I do believe that there could be a circle drawing contest. There are many weird contests in this world. This one does sound kind of cool to do because I would love to be able to draw a perfect circle. For evidence of this contest, you can go to youtube and look it up as well as go on google.
3. Describe what you were thinking about the drawings as you watched them. Were you amazed? Were you skeptical?
I was really amazed at the chalk drawings as I was watching the video. They were awesome! I really wonder how he got the drawings on that kind of an angle? I would never be able to draw like that. He made them so life like and that was just unbelievable.
4. How long do you think it takes to create a drawing like this?
I think it takes a very long time to create a picture like that. To get the angle right and the picture right on key would take a very, very long time.
Ellie H.
Period 3
Question # 1. Do you really believe what you are seeing?
Yes I do. I don't think he could fake drawing a perfect circle, so it must be perfect.
Question # 2. Do you think perfect circle drawing contests really exist. Can you find evidence on the net?
I think perfect circle drawing contests do exist. I am sure you can find them on the net because you can find all kinds of contests on the net.
Question # 3. Describe what you were thinking about the drawings as you watched them. Were you amazed? Were you skeptical?
I was amazed that someone could draw something with chalk that looked so real. I was confused that it had to be drawn and seen from an angle, but I guess in order to look 3-D it would have to be seen from a specific angle.
Question # 4. How long do you think it takes to create a drawing like this?
I think it would take weeks to draw something like that. You would have to figure out the perfect angle, mix the colors, draw it to make it look real, and then draw a shadow to make it seem realistic.
Rosemary H.
Period 3
Ariel j.
period 3
1, yes i do believe that they are drawing like that because it took time to know how to draw like that and when you get the hang of it then you will get better at what you are doing.
2, yes but to find if it is true or not go and look up his name and he said that he go to las Vegas to a contest to do it.
3, yes i was amazed because the way they draw it look like its there for real i really like the way they draw it look so perfect.
4, well for me it will take a long time for me because i never did nothing like this it will take time and months of a year and and i know it going to be hard for me to draw because i never new how to draw and when i try it do not come out right it will look ugly to me.
Laquan W.
3rd period
1. I do believe that it was a perfect circle that he drew but I think it took him some time to real draw the circle that perfect.
2. I do believe that there is a perfect circle drawing contest but I don't think I might be able to find it on the web.
3. Well as I were watching the drawings I at first I was little skeptical but then I thought maybe they practice for a long time.
4. Well I think it takes at least 1 hour and 30 minutes for a great artist 2 hours and 30 minutes for an average artist.
Imani M.
March 20, 2008
Applied Arts period 3
Video A.
1. No, I so not beleive what I am seeing. This man is amazing. How does he do that? I've heard a rumor that if you can draw perfect circle that is a sign you are going crazy.
2. I do not believe that perfect circle drawing really does exist. I believe that the man from the video, Alex Overwijk, can truly freehand draw perfect circles but there is no championship for the talent. Www.maisonbisson.com says,
"The Ottawa Citizen reports, however, that no such competition exists.'It’s my schtick with my kids. I’ve been telling them this story for 10 years,' the Citizen quotes Overwijk, who later revealed that he’s thinking about starting a competition."
Video B.
3. I was amazed with the drawings. This man has true talent. His drawings look so real and he is working on an unideal surface, side walk concrete. The artist uses his knowledge of perspective to create fantastic optical illusion.
4. These drawings must take him a long time. He has to work outside in what seems to be a busy area. This area must be distracting. Also, all his creations are extremely detailed which obviously takes time and lots of patience.
Mike A
period 5
1. I think that it was really cool that he drew a perfect circle like that. It is most likely very challenging. I believe that he actually did it.
2.i don't think drawing a circle will earn him money. He isn doing much 2 make it he jus knows the way ou have to do it.
3.I was really amazed a what this guy could do. It was really cool what the drawings looked like. I think he puts alot of time into his work.
4. You could not do that in a little bit. You had to put alot of work in for he street work and fine arts.
no, I don't believe what I'm seeing.
be an artist for a comic book or something
I was actually pretty amazed by how 3d his drawings were, I wish I was that talented..
I think his chalk drawings are much better than his fine arts drawings,
but thats just my opinion
Matt M.
March 20, 2008
Period 5
Mike Dunbar
period 5
i like the videos they were interesting to see what people do on there spare time.art is a big part of my nation so i see a lot of art in the environment i have been to several art galleries.i have been in several art shows.
Danielle J.5
*1.I strongly believe what I had saw.
*2.He can go to different towns to show his talent and may be they will pay him.
*3.I was shocked because I thought it was real and it was just a drawing.
*4.His chalk drawing looks like its real and his painting you can look like its real but kind of different.
Jasmin W. Period 5
1. No I dont bellieve what I am seeing becauswe i think it is impossible to make a perfect circle in one try.
2. No I dont think you can make money by drawing a perfect circle one time. Even though it's unbelieveible.
3. Yes I was amazed. I like how the drawings were 3D. I liked how all of them were very different. I didn't see any that were alike or the same.
4. I think it would take some hours but i know it wouldn't take nothing like 4 hours it would take a lot more time than that.
Charon J. Period 5th
1. I do believe what i had saw on the video.
2. But i don't think that you can make money off drawing a perfect circle.
3.i was thinking about how they really drew those things.
but,yes i was amazed.
4.I think it took like along time
Christian period 7
1.yes i do believe what i see
2.no i do not
3.I was amazed how real it was
4.I think it would take 2 days
Nigel R.
period 7.
1. Yeah i think what this man is doing is real
2. He can make money by teaching some people how to do it or make them a perfect circle
3. I think these where real on some of the pics cause it looked like it standing up or in deeper in the ground
4. both his chalk drawing and his fine arts paintings are pretty much are a like
Niko p.
Period 7
1. Yes i do believe what i am seeing.
2. No i don't think their is a free hand circle drawing contest.
3. It was amazing how he made the drawings 3-D.
4. Those aren't art that take like a couple hours those probablly took about days or weeks.
Austin C. Period 7th
1.Yes I do believe what I saw.
2.He could bet people and lose a couple of bets an then win the rest.
3.I was very amazed, the first time I saw the 3d drawing I could not believe they were just chalk.
4.I liked his chalk drawings alot more because they were right in the middle of the sidewalk.
Adam Rajter
1. yes i do believe what i am seeing
2. He could make designs with his kind of talent.
3.i was amazed and how did they do that kind of drawing and it was cool
4. they were different.
Anna T.
1. yes I really believe what I'm seeing because he could just have practiced a lot.
2. with his talent He could make a logo for a company and make a lot of money.
3.I was really amazed because it look it was really there in person.
4.His pictures didn't look the same because the fine art pictures didn't look as real life as the chalk drawings and the chalk drawings looked like they popped out at you
It felt like you could touch the chalk drawings.
Rebecca S.
period 7
1.Yes I do believe what I am seeing.
2.This man could make money by using this talent by being an artist and make paintings and sell them.
3.I was amazed because they were really great drawings and it looked like they were real.
4.The paintings were different because the chalk drawings looked dementional but kind of like a cartoon. The fine art paintings were more unrealistic.
Xenia M.
Period 7
1. I do really believe what I saw when he drew the perfect circle.
2. With this man's talent he could make a lot of money because it is very difficult to draw a circle free-handed and is very rare. This man could make a lot of money because he would be one of the few people in the world to draw a perfect circle free-handed and many people would pay for him to do draw the circle or for having the ability to draw it.
3. I was very amazed when I saw the drawings because it looked like they were real. From looking at the angle they showed the pictures it made me look closer and look even deeper in the picture.
4. These drawings are very different because his chalk drawings that he did were 3-D and seemed real as the fine art drawings were flat. Also, the fine art drawings were very simple and they were mostly about gardens, fruit, and flowers etc. as the chalk drawings were very complex and different.
Malayna T.
Period 7
Perfect Circle
1. I believe he can make the circle because he must have practiced for a long time.
2. He can use his talent to make certain architecture.
Chalk street drawings
1. That was the most creative thing i have ever seen.
2.Both the fine art paintings and his chalk drawings look like are real.
Michael W. Period 7
#1 Yes I do believe he drew a perfect circle.
#2 He could get money from his talent by having a paying act in a talent show.
#3 I was amazed that any body could draw especially in chalk.
#4 I think it took a couple of day of work.
Kevin O.
period 7
1. Yes, I do believe the movie because some people have extremely cool and presise talents.
2. I think that he could sell some of his work and also perform live circle drawings for audiences.
3. I was not quite as amazed as some of my classmates might have been because I have seen him and his drawings before. I was not skeptical because there is proof that it is possible to make those drawings.
4. His chalk drawings are funnier and made more to amaze and amuze while his fine art paintings are more elagant and are probably used more to hang on someones wall never to be touched for another five or six hundred years.
Bryant R.
period 7
Q#1. I did believe what I saw.
Q#2. He could draw portraits of people.
Q#3. I was amazed at how live like the paintings were.
Q#4. I think it would take about 3 hours to make a drawing like this.
Julie M.
Period 7
Video A: Perfect Circle Drawing
Question #1. I did believe what i say but i don't think it was the PERFECT circle, because NOTHING is perfect.
Question #2. He could draw the shapes for geomerty in math books.
Video B: Chalk Street Drawings
Question #3. I was a bit skeptical but mostly speechless because of the fact i didn't really think it was all made out of chalk.
Question #4. They kinda look the same because of the texture of the picture.
John B
Video A:
1. Do you really believe what you are seeing?
Answer: No, its probably editing.
2. Brainstorm one way this man could make money from his talent.
Answer: By editing the video and posting in on his own website and charging people for seeing something fake.
Video B:
1. Describe What you were seeing. Were you amazed? Were you skeptical?
Answer: I would be amazed if it was actually real. He probably made the pictures but then edited it to make it look 3D.
2. Visit the artist's website below and compare his chalk drawings with the fine art paintings.
Answer: The fine art painting doesn't look 3D but the video did.
Sarah J.
1.I'm a little skeptical about a perfect circle.
2. Maybe there would be a contest for a perfect circle?
3.I was completely amazed. For a moment I thought they were real. It's amazing how they got the depth to make it look like a 3-D object.
4. The chalk drawings have more feeling, depth then his paintings. His oil paintings are just normal, not as special as his chalk drawings.
Ramie B. Period 8
1. Yes I do believe what I am seeing.
2. Maybe because people might pay for this entertainment and art.
3. I was amazed by how 3-d it looked from a certain angle.
4. His chalk drawings and fine art paintings look the same in realism but it does not look 3-D like his chalk.
Jonah L.
Prd. 3
1. I believe it.
2. There might be a contest for who ever could draw the best circle and the prize might be money.
3. I was amazed at how 3-D it looked. It looked really realistic, but I could still tell for some of them that they were just drawn on the side walk.
4. Both the chalk drawings and the paintings look like they would take a really long time. I like he chalk drawings a little more because I like the depth and how they look realistic.
Jarrett R.
. Do you really believe what you are seeing?
Question # 2. Brainstorm one way this man could make money using this talent.
1. I think with a lot of practice that could be possible, but the way he moves his hand looks like its been edited.
2. He could bet people he could do this talent.
Tim m.
1. i believe what i am seeing because it takes practice and when y and he will say he can do it and put you practice you can achieve in your goal that your trying to do
2.this man can make money by making a show and betting people that they can't draw a circle and when they can't he will say he can do it and no one will believe him and he will hustle his money and get his money okay
3. i was amazed on how real it looked when he was on that buliding with spider man that looked so real i was confused.
4. his chalk drawing really amazed people now i'm not saying they were bad they were good but the chalk drawings stood out
Cedric b.
period 8
3.At first I did not know it was real
until I looked real closely . I was very amazed.
4. his chalked drawings really amazed I think the chalk drawings is alot better then the paintings
kyle f.
per 8
1. NO
2. i do not think he did that
3. that i saw one of them once and i was amazed
4. i like the chalk on better than the fine arts paintings
sinclair d.
1. yes
2. possibly
3. it was... just wow. i was amazed how he could make all his art look so real.
4.i think his art drawings would take not as long as his chalk drawings. also his chalk drawings could wear away over time but his paintings will stay
Josephine B.
Question # 1. Do you really believe what you are seeing?
Question # 2. Brainstorm one way this man could make money using this talent.
Question # 3. Describe what you were thinking about the drawings as you watched them. Were you amazed? Were you skeptical?
Question # 4. Visit this artists website below and compare his chalk drawings to his Fine Art paintings.
1. I cannot believe that. I think that there is some type of trick.
2. He could bet big money that he could draw a perfect circle and nobody would believe him. Or he could be a magician.
3. I cannot believe that this is real either. These drawings looks so real and 3D but from a different angle they look flat and fake. I thought that it was a trick at first but when it showed the flat angle I believed it.
4. His chalk drawings and his fine art paintings are really good. i think that it takes true talent to do all of this but I do like the chalk drawings better. They look more real and 3D. But the paintings are still really good.
Jameel M.
Period 8
#1 I do believe it but only because I don't know of any editing software that could make him look like he had actually done that.
#2 I think so because all those people on the page were doing it and its hard to believe that all these were just an elaborate hoax.
#3 I was blown away at the dedication and the discipline that he has.
#4 I think that his oil paintings were more like regal and lazy and "capturing the beauty of nature" and that his chalk art was more like pop art kind of like paint by #s. NOT in a bad way.....
Claire D: Period 3
1. At first I was like, "WHOA! That's impossible." But with a lot of practice, it could happen.
2. He could enter contests or show his "talent" to the world.
3. I was absolutely floored when I saw his paintings. They were so realistic, I had to stop the video to look at them more.
4. His paintings were more museum-esque. Like they weren't as comical or playful as his pavement paintings. He used less lively subjects.
Jarrett R.
Period 8
3.I do believe what I'm seeing. The pictures look so 3-D
4.They pictures don't look so 3-D and realistic.
Max M.
1. I think it is possible for him to make a perfect circle. With a lot of practice and time, i think it is possible.
2. This man can can make a lot of money doing this because people would pay to watch it. If i had that kind of talent, i would try and make money myself.
3. I was amazed because i have never seen someone do such an amazing thing before.
4. These paintings vary from a man in the rain, to a nice picnic in a garden. Both of these paintings are very nice though.
Neil V.
Period 3
1. Yes I do believe what i am seeing.
2. He could say that he can draw a good one then draw a bad one then do a great.
3. I was amazed by the 3D likeness and sometimes I got fooled.
4. I thought his chalk drawings were better because they were more 3D.
Sara R.
Period 9
1. In the first video I don't believe how the man could make such a perfect circle free hand.
2. If it is real he could make money drawing and he said there was a contest he could win money from.
3. I thought the chalk drawings seemed amazing and they look like they must take a lot of time. At first I thought they might even be decals or something on the ground.
4. Both works of art are very detailed and really good, but to me they look like they're done by two different artists because even though the chalk drawing look really real, they have a cartoon look to them while the fine art paintings look completely realistic
Marshall J.
#1.I do believe this because this guy seems like he has put much practice to prefect his talent.
#2 He could make abstract art right in front of people's eyes. They would be dumbfounded and would pay good money to witness this talent.
#3 At first I wanted to reach into the screen and touch it so see that it is real. Then when I saw the people walking alongside of the picture I realized it was 100% real.
#4 His fine art paintings have a much more natural feeling while his street paintings show out of the box thinking and a great imagination to go along with plain artistic talent.
Alex G.
Period 9
#1: Yes it's completely probable.
#2:Ya There probably is.
#3: I've seen this video before and I was amazed the first time and i was amazed again.
#4: Days. Maybe weeks.
Masha Q
Period 9
1. Yes, I believe what I see.
2. He could draw money by dollar bill.
3. When I saw his drawing i was amazed. It's really cool the way he draw and made it look like it alive.
4. The artist makes chalk drawing more alive than his paper work.
Cherina P
1.I do believe what i am seeing.
2.A way this man could make money would be if he started making a class for drawing students that would be very interested in making a perfect circle since know one seem to be able to.
3. I was very amazed. I couldn't believe that what he drew was done with only chalk. I would want to see a drawing like this outside in person because it looks really cool.
4. I think that all his drawings seem to have an 3d theme. They all look very interesting.
Jayelen T
Period 9
#1 Yes i do believe what i am seeing but i think that he has been practicing it
#2 I think if he just went around to places that deal with art he would get paid a lot of money.
#3 I was thinking how long did it take him to do that stuff. Also I was thinking that this man is very skilled if he can do that kind if stuff.
#4 I think that his chalk drawing and his fine art paintings are great. They both just have a create personality to it
Marlon Brumfield
period 9
1. no i do not i cant believe that he did that that was amazing.
2. there are unlimited possibilities on how he can make money off of this. one way is to make the perfect round face in a cartoon without having some kind of instrument.
3. i don't know what to be i am really just bored to tell you the truth not to be disrespectful the video stunk and the music was terible.
4.they the other drawings looked o.k i guess but they weren't all that but then again everyones a critic.
Alex G
period 9
video A.
1.Yes i believe what I am seeing but he has to clean the board first so maybe anybody can do it.
2.Maybe if he sells his secret or he enters a perfect circle contest.
Video B.
1.I was amazed how he made them look alive and the ideas he came up with to make them
2.well his ideas for the the paintings are different from the chalk drawings but they both like they are real.
Do you really believe what you are seeing?
1. Yes I do beleive what I am seeing becuase I have no reason not to. I saw him wash the board and then draw the circle... what is there not to believe?
2. I think he could ask people if they think he could make a perfect circle and then if they say no, then make a bet. If they say yes then you still make a bet and say how much you wanna bet that I can make a perfect circle. Either way, if they believe it or if they don't, you can still make profit off of them!!!
-Jalaina W.
Describe what you were thinking about the drawings as you watched them. Were you amazed? Were you skeptical?
I was just thinking about how they did all that with just pieces of chalk. Yes, I was so amazed that some one could make something so beautiful with something so small, yes I was also skeptical...
Question # 4. Visit this artists website below and compare his chalk drawings to his Fine Art paintings.
They were so different but in a way had a comparison.
-Jalaina W
Ashley J. Period 2
1) Yes i do believe that this guy just drew a perfect circle.
2)One way he can make money i by making bets with other people and win.
3)What i was thinking while watching that movie was that it was very nice and weird at the same time. I actually thought that it was very cool.
4)Well the difference between his chalk drawings and his fine art drawings is that well his fine arts drawings are like oil paint. With the oil paint he drew like a man painting a picture. Then he made a collage of Princess Diana. Which was very nice. He used news papers for some of the details which was very creative.
Michael L.
Per. 2
1. I think it's a perfect circle since our arm can do it.
2. He could do a class or a video and sell it. Could make some money.
3. I think it's remarkable he can do that. I'm amazed by most of his painting. I am a little skeptic because some were so realistic and he was covered by some.
4. His oil paintings are not as realistic as his chalk drawings.
Logan F.
Period 2
#1.I do believe what I am seeing.
#2.I think that he could make money by making more circles and selling them saying that he hand drew them.
#3.I was amazed at how 3-D they looked even though they were all flat.
#4.His chalk drawings were 3-D and his fine art paintings were 2-D.
Cody G.
#1 No. i dont believe what i am seeing, it is hard to think a circle could be that perfect and freehand.
#2 I think this man could make money by making art.
#3 I thought these drawings were amazing.The drawings looked very relistic
#4 His fine art paintings were very good as well, but i thought the chalk drawings were more impressive because it was not as common.
Katherine S.
Period 2
1) Yes, i do believe what I am seeing.
2) He could win contests, and make money that way. He could also be an architect or artist, and his talent could bring him a long way, and help him make money.
3) I was amazed that these people could actually make their art on a sidewalk look so 3-d an realistic. I was also thinking that you would have to be looking at these drawings at the right angle, or they would appear as real as they did in the video.
4) I think that his chalk drawings and his fine art paintings are extremely similar. His style is the same in both of them, and I can definitely tell that they were done by the same artist. They were just done with different materials.
Michelle H. period 2
1. Yes i do believe in what i see
2. He could win contests or he could be an architect and use his talent that way to make money.
3. When i was watching these drawings i was amazed that people could make 3-D drawings on the sidewalk using chalk. Looking at these drawings was amazing to see how real they actually look.
4. i think his fine art paintings are similar to his chalk drawings. They look similar only one is drawn on paper and one is drawn on the sidewalk. they both are made in a 3-D perception.
Steven W. Period 2
#1 Yes I do believe what i was seeing
#2 Yea I do i don't know how he doing it but I believe it
#3 I was at first but as i started to realize and look at them like regular art It was just like any other picture
Jacob F. per. 2
1) yes i do belive it... ive seen many videos like it...
2) there is no job that really needs the talent of drawing circles... that i know of... on the other hand, he could do a contest...
3) i was amazed... it must've taken alot of time to draw those...
4) all his paintings are very detailed...
Gavin S. period 2
#1 I think this it comes naturally to this man. So I believe what I am seeing.
#2 If this man can explain what he does he could make money by teaching class.
#3 I was skeptical in the beginning because he got the angle just right for the images he was drawing.
#4 I like his chalk drawings better than the fine art painting because the chalk drawings seemed more original.
Amber R
No#1 Yes,I believe what I Seeing
No#2 One way this man can make money from this perfect circle is by doing what he is doing now helping students learn his talented techniques.
No#3 Yes, I was ever so amazed how he got the perception just right and he has great talent that really can make him famous at what he does the drawing were different and not the kind of thing you may see on a typical day.
No#4 I really like his paintings because they express a lot of what he is thinking such as living and having fun and it looks like it takes effort and hours to complete!
Hannah Connell p.2
1. Yes I do believe what I am seeing.
2. This man could make money using his talent by making amazing drawings out of circles and selling them.
3. When I was watching the drawings I was amazed! I thought that it couldn't be true that they looked SO real! But then it showed what they look like when you aren't looking at them from the right angle.
4. In the artists fine art drawings and street drawings they both have a great amount of detail to make them look just right. In his oil paintings he was very clear in what he was making. But in the street drawings they had to be perfect so they looked right. He had to look at the street drawings from just the right angles, other wise you can't tell what it is.
Dontae M.
2nd Per.
#1. I guess, I believe and I don't. It's too good to be true.
#2. He could sell his technique to a big-time advertising company or something like that.
#3. The drawings was very creative and original. I was amazed at some of the drawings.
#4. Instead of those being drawn with chalk it look like it's a bunch of paint dots.
#4 they are different because his fine art stuff is about flowers and stuff
Steven W period 2
1. Yes
2. drawing 2D balls
3. WHOA!!!
4. he's MUCH better at chalk
Nathan Maddela
period 3
1. yes i do belive what i am seening. He is probobly a weird guy, and he probobly did since he was little.
2. i dont think this man could make any money, making a cirlcle.
3. the drawings were really cool. it was 3d. it kind of looked real. i was amazed.
4. the drawings are cool.
Alaina W. P. 8
1. Yeah, it was sweet.
2. He make money by using this talent becuase he could make bets saying i bet i can make a perfect circle and then winning the bet.
3. What i was thinking was that it wasnt real or that is wasn't a drawing that it was an actual item. I was amazed, not sure what skeptical means.
4. My bogus computor wont let me go to his website cause im doing this at home since i wasnt here on thursday so ell try later and send it.
Alaina W. P. 8 continued
4. okay, it would take a long time depending on the drawing and a lot of effort.
max m. period 8
1. yes i do believe what i am seeing
2. i think he could do shows on t.v too make money off his talent.
3.ye i was amazed i could not believe what i was seeing.
4. i like his chalk drawings way better.
Isaac F. Period 7
1. Yes i do belive that what he is doing is real.
2. Yes i do belive that there is a freehand circle drawing contest.
3. It was amazing at how he made the drawing look so alive.
4. A couple of hours maybe a few days if your really that good.
Andrew K.
Period 3
1. Indeed I do believe what I am seeing, as I am seeing it aren't I
2. Certainly, they exist for those with that phenominal skill of drawing freehand circles- people with nothing else to do
3. I was initially astounded
4. I assume it would take several hours, if not an entire day- though it would certainly depend on the elacrity of the whole
Edward E. 5/19/08 art3 Do I really belive what I'm seeing? Its hard to belive that someone can draw a perfectly round circle but, but I guess it can happen. One way this man can make money by using his talent is enter in diffrent contests to win money, or perform shows of him drawing a perfect circle and charge for admission
Edward E. 5/19/08 art3 I was amazed by the chalk drawings. I couldn't belive they looked so real, but they only look real from the right angle so its a little more beliveable saying it looks 3D from the right angle and not 3D all the time.
Edward E. 5/19/08 art 3 I think that the artist chalk drawings are better than his fine painting drawings
Loren H. Period 7
#1. Yes I do believe what I am seeing
#2. No I don't believe there is a freehand circle drawing contest.
#3. The drawings were amazing they all were almost real.
#4. I think it would take about 10hours to draw.
1.)I do believe what I'm seeing but i thought it was impossible.
2.)No, i dont believe their is such a contest.
3.)I was truly amazed
4.)I know I would never be able to do that.But if another with artistic ability decided to do such a thing it would probably take 5 hours.
1. yes i believe what i am seeing
2. he make money off of his art work making a circles
3.i could not believe that he draw that that was so cool and it look so real
4.the drawing has more details and the painting is just simple
Kyla per. 2
Cody Evans
1. I did not believe this man was able to do this. It seems physically impossible.
2. No i have no doubt in my mind that there are not any of these circle contests.
1.I was very surprised and my mouth dropped to the floor.
2. It would probably take weeks or even months.
Mackenzie Gange-Anderson Period 2
Question # 1. Yes it is amazing!!
Question # 2. No, I don't believe there is a way to earn money off of making a freehand circle.
Question # 3. I was amazed how he could make those drawings pop out at you and how it looked so realistic.
Question # 4. I think it took more than a day to complete those drawings.
1. yes
2. It was great
3. I was amazed
4.I thick it would take me a long time
Tia Period 3
mike A. period 3
1. Yes i do believe this because he said that he does freehand circle drawings on his spare time.
2. I don't believe that there is a freehand circle drawing contest or that he can make money off of it.
3. i was really interested because he made all the drawings in the ground look real.
4. Since im not really good at art it would take me days most likely.
#1. No i do not believe in what seeing.
#2. I don not think there's a way he could make money off of this talent Because i think its fake.
#3.When the video first came on i thought they were real until i saw someone standing on top of the drawing. my mouth was open the whole time.
#4. i believe 12 hours to do it neatly.
Tyler S. Period 5
Alec M Period 3
I believe what i'm seeing, i just don't believe that is completely perfect.
The only way i could see him making money with this is if there was a contest.
I was amazed. It was very interesting to see that the picture had to be at just the right angle for it to look right.
The artist's fine arts paintings were much more realistic, but there sidewalk drawings were more cartoon like. I like the Chalk drawings better because they jump out at you.
yes, i think it was real,i think its possible
i don't think he would make money unless he joins the circus
1yea i was pretty amazed iv never seen that before, it was pretty sick
its art its like making a mural but on the floor i would pay.lol!
haily f. P.5
1 yes i do believe in what i am seeing here.
2 no i don't believe that that this talent could become useful.
3 this was really cool, only from one angle though
4 i thought it would take days to make a drawing that good
Loren H. Period 7
#1.Yes I do believe what I am seeing
#2.No I don't believe that there is a freehand circle drawing contest.
#3.I was amazed by how he got the depth perception just right so it looked like the drawing was alive.
#4.I think it would take about 8 hours.
Kevin O. Period 7
#1. I believe what I am seeing.
#2. He could make alot of money if he started a buisness that taught and performed to and for people with his skill.
#3. I was amazed but not skeptical because I had seen his work before.
#4. I saw that his fine art paintings were less cartoonish as his chalk ones. They do look prettier but I still the chalk drawings the best.
Karl Bergholz
period 7
1.i very much believe what i am seeing.
2. i know for a fact that there is a free-hand drawing contest.
1. i was not amazed because i have seen this before but i know that it is real.
2. i think that i could never draw that good but if i could it would take me at least a year.
Francesca B.
Period 7
#1. I do believe what I'm seeing....its just sorta crazy. I don't know how he could have faked that though so yes, I do belive.
#2. He could....I don't know....teach people how to do it?
#3. I had seen drawings like that before, but I was still like "Oh my *beep* God thats crazy! Don't they do that in Mary Poppins? I love that movie. I was not skeptical...that guy was just really good at the depth perception thing.
#4. That would take like 5-7 hours I think. Dang.
Chris C. Period: 7
1. I do believe what I'm seeing.
2. He could make money by a contest.
3. I didn't think that it was chalk.
4. At least 1 week.
Julia S. Period 7
1. Yes I believe that he really drew it.
2. yes I do believe there is a freehand circle drawing contest. People have too much time on their hands these days.
3. I think it was probably chalk but like wet chalk so it was easier to make is look more realistic.
4. His fine art paintings look a lot like his pavement stuff. Maybe he uses the same materials.
Chris C. Period: 7
Art affects my life by the wonderful nature and the color and textures and shapes of things I see around me in everyday life. Graphics and the tranquility of pictures and portraits make you feel good about the art that you see. The art can make you feel a certain way depending on what the picture is, and the colors of the pictures.
I believe what i am seeing. People just have to have a stead hand. Plus the exercise he did would help people he is getting his arm in motion of a perfect circle. You just have to pt force on the motion of your arm span.
This man could make money doing this because it takes much time for factories to cut out a perfect circle. Like they say, time is money.
I was wondering if they were really true. But then once the film said that they only look real from a certain angle, i believed it.
The time is different. The chalk would take a lot longer. Plus in street drawing you have to cooperate with the weather. Raining could easily wash away your drawing. Where as fine arts its just come thing your not trying to do on pure nature which makes things much simpler.
-Samantha Davidson
-Period 7
Luther L. Period 7
#1.Yes i believe what i am seeing.
#2.Making drawing for people or a perfect circle contest.
#3.At first they looked fake then the drawings started to look 3D.It is very cool a was amazed.
#4.They both look so real.
1. yes i do believe what i am seeing
3.i was wow how he got it to look real
4.about 8 hours
christian thurman per 7
Enrique R.
period 8
1# yes I do belive what i am seeing.
2# I cant think how he did that.
3# What i was seeing is what the drawing that looks 3-D.
4# i bet that took a long time.
Julia Y.
period 3
1. I do believe what I am seeing but I don't believe it is a perfect circle
2. This man could make money by using his talent by betting on himself that he could make a perfect circle.
3. I first thought the drawing were sculptures, and then I was amazed that someone could create that.
4. Both the fine art paintings and the chalk paintings have lots of depth, but the chalk drawings look my real then the fine art paintings.
1.Yes i do believe what i am seeing
2. i guess that he could make advertisements but other than that no
3.I was very suprised that it was no t a three drawing but it was still cool
4. I think that i would have took him about six hours to draw it
amani h
Samantha A.
Period 8
1. i do believe what i am seeing and it is pretty amazing
2. this man could make money by showing his talent and he could also sell art with perfect circles
3. i was thinking that those pictures were really amazing. i also thought that it was almost unreal how real those pictures looked. at first i thought that i was just looking at a guy standing next to a pool in the middle of the side walk
4. the chalk drawings seem like more fun and less serious. the fine art paintings were a different style (it looked kind of like a bunch of dots or blotches) and they were more still (the chalk drawings looked like they were really there and the fine art ones didn't).
Charlie P.
Period 8
I chose to see the artist's chalk drawings. What I was thinking as I watched them is that it's one of the most visually interesting art I've ever seen. Normally, when I go to like an art museum, I get bored. But this art I could stare at for a long time. I was wondering how you can draw something like that. It seriously looked like there was a hole in the sidewalk. I was skeptical if his drawings were any good, but when I saw them I quickly changed my mind. I think that his chalk drawings are more interesting and better than his fine art drawings. I'm not an art critic or anything but I can guarantee you that almost anyone would rather see and stare at his chalk drawings over the fine art ones.
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