Click the following link to watch the video.
Answer the questions in a post. (don't forget about the posting rules!)
1. How do you think he painted the image so large and so accurate?
2. How long do you think it really took him?
3. Do you think you could do something like this?
1. He probably had a picture of Bruce Lee that was at a safe distance from the paint that this guy would occasionally take a look at.
2. It probably took him around an hour. The whole thing looked considerably sped up.
3. I could probably do this sort of thing IF I had a LOT of time and a picture of what I was recreating.
Eli G., Period 2
Ciara B. per.2
1. i think he painted it so large and accurate by maybe drawing it first in pencil lightly and then going over it.
2. i think it actually took him about a couple weeks to do it.
3. yeahh i think i could do something like that if i really wanted to and it interested me enough.
Cassie S. Period 2
1. I think that he had probably done it many times before so that he knew what he was doing before.
2. I think it probably took about a few hours maybe longer.
3. Maybe if I took a long time to practice and knew what I was doing than I would be able to do something like this.
1. I think that it was so accurate because there might have been a tracing in the background.
2. I would guess it took at least 6 hours
3. I am not really sure for one I don't know karate and two I don't know if I could hold my attention that long.
Alex M. Period 2
1: I think that he made is so accurate from many years of practice and because he made the arm bigger than the face!
2: I think it must of taken him about 3 hours.
3: I think that if i practice and worked really hard, that maybe in a couple of years I could do that, but it certainly would not be as good as his painting!
Megal w.period2
1. how i think he made the picture is that he is a very good painter
2.i think it took him 2hours to make it
3.i don't think i could make that
1. He probably drew it out first a few times, and had experience.
2. Probably about an hour
3. If i took time out and practiced, but i doubt i would have enough patience, haha
Nikki M.
Period: 2
Michael W Period 2
1. I think that he painted the image so large and accurate because he drew smaller images and then he made a smaller painting slowly making it larger and larger.
2. I think this really took him 14 hours.
3. I would be able to do something like this.
Mikaela G. period 3
I am guessing that this painting took about a month depending on how long he worked on it a day. I also think that this piece was made using the grid method. If i wanted to make a painting like this i woulduse the grid method
Mikaela G. period 3
I am guessing that this painting took about a month depending on how long he worked on it a day. I also think that this piece was made using the grid method. If i wanted to make a painting like this i woulduse the grid method
I think he did it so accurate by practicing and having the image in his head. Also he most likely does this stuff for a living and has a lot of practice.
Daniel C.
1. I think he first made a plan of what he was going to do, then he turned the sides of his hands differently so he could make the painting.
2. Just to guesstimate, I'd say it took him maybe...two hours?
3. I don't think I could do something like this. I might try and start something but I'd get bored half way through the painting and stop.
Claire K.
prd. 3rd
1.I think he may have had a lot of practice, but I am not really sure.
2. I think it may have taken him between 3-4 hours...
3. I think that mabye with a bunch of practice, I may be able to do it, but I don't know for sure.
Madelaine N. 3rd period
Sam H. Period3
1. I bet he practiced, or knew the picture very well so he could figure out how much space he really needed.
2. Since he was speeding up the film, it probably took him an hour and a half.
3. I could probably do something like this if i knew the picture pretty well and practiced.
I think it took him only a hour or two becasue even when he was going in fast motion he was moving real fast and it didn't look like it would even take him that long because he probally has done this before.
Daniel C.
I. I think he had a picture or likes Bruce Lee a lot.
II. I think him took him a really long time and he just used a high speed camera.
I think we could do this by having a big picture up in the room then we all paint or DRAW!!!!!(enphasis) a picture of it but we would still incorporate our own style into making it Matt R (.)>(.)
Jacob F Period3
1. I think that he has probably practiced it or there could be a very light outline that he traced but we couldn't see it.
2.2-3 hours because it is a large picture and you could see that he was hurting his hand when he hit the wall.
3.If he did it like i think he did (by already having an outline) i could do it but if he did it all from memory, i highly doubt i could do it.
I think i could because it wouldnt be as hard because you dont have to have it perfect and you could make anything you want.
Daniel C.
Derrick H. p.3
1. I think he sketched out a drawing and new what he how he was going to do his drawing ahead of time
2. not very long because he knew exactly what to do
3. yes, because i think i could sketch out what to do and make the lines in paint exactly how i made the lines in the drawing
Tyler R.
Period 3
1.I think that to have painted it so large yet so accurate, he had a picture of exactly how it should look in his mind. He also probably had a plan by way of what sort of shape is needed where.
2. I think it really took him about an hour. Yeah, 45 minutes to an hour seems good, because you have to concentrate on how to do it, and even though the artist seemed to paint in a fairly random style, he was concentrating.
3. There is no way I could do something like this. It is completely beyond me on how to do this. I might be able to, but it would take a long, looong time.
Edward T.
1. I think he had pre-planned it very carefully. He might have lightly sketched with a pencil to see where he would be painting. Doing a piece like that would probably be impossible without planning.
2. It probably really took him a very long time to paint it because all the paint has to be carefully placed.
3. I don't think I could do this right now. . . maybe when I'm older
Brieana Starks
1.He might of done it so many times that he got it right.2.I think that it took him about a half an hour to a hour to paint it.3.I'm not sher I could paint something like this picture but I could try to but it might not come out the same.
Jeffrey J. - Period 3
1. I think he painted it good because he's a painter or he has a picture to copy and paint it to the wall.
2. I think he took like 6 hours because its not that easy to paint Bruce Lee in a wall...
3. I think I could something like this but not as big as that and not that good as the picture.
3. I dont think that i could do something like this, because i would make to many mistakes just trying to do it because i am very impatient.Then again i think i could do it if i really tried and didnt give up.
2.I think it took him at least 2 days unless he like already new how he was going to do and was really good, then it probably would have only taken him a day.
1.I think that he painted it really large and acurate because he used so much paint and he new where to space the lines and where they will go.
minyan w. period.3rd
1. I think he had to have a lot of patience and remakes.
2. I think it must of took him a couple of days at the least.
3. No I do not have patience to do a project like that.
i think he is a rally good artist but it had to take at least a month and of course i cant do something that good max m P.3
1. i think that he spent a long time practicing and that he speeded up the video.
2. i think it actually took him a long time but he made it look like a very short time.
3.i think i could do that not as good but i could if i had enough time
I think it took a lot of patience and mess ups.
I think it took a couple of days a least.
No I could not I have no patence and would probably mess up really bad.
Dan M.
period 3
1. I think he painted it so large and accurate just because of skill. He also probably practiced on a few other walls before hand.
2. I think it probably took him between an hour and two hours.
3. If I really put my mind to it and practiced a lot, I think I'd be able to do it.
Max D, Period Three
Jessica M
Period 5
1. I think he painted that so accurate because he took time to study a picture of Bruce Lee. He probably took an occasional look at it.
2. Well, of course it took him longer than it showed, but it probably took him like.. 4 hours?
3. I don't think I could do anything this cool. I would get frustrated half way through and stop painting because it didn't turn out the way I wanted it too.
1. He probably drew or painted it on a smaller paper.
2. it probably took him about 2 1/2 hours to paint it.
3. i probably could if i took the time and had the experience.
Tyler S. (period 5)
by taking his time and being good.
about 16 hours.
no not really, but if i tried hard enough.
Khalfani Millsapp
period 5
Cierra D.
1.i think he had a picture already of him.
2.i think about 3-6 hours to do the picture.
3.i dont think i could do that if i tired i might
Bella K. 5th period
1. I think that the way he was able to make it so big and accurate because he was a professional and had probably practiced lots and he was probably looking at a picture of Bruce Lee.
2. I think it really took him a llooooonnnggg loooonnnnggg time like maybe 5 hours or something.
3. I don't think i could ever do that because i would totally mess up and have to start over. I would also get bored and give up after about half an hour.
1 I THINK the guy made the painting so large is because he may of have painted the painting with his hand,and then he made the camera faster so it will look like he did it real quick. but get real he needed alot of time to do it.
2. I think that the painting may of have took like 3 hours to do it because he got tired and hungry
3. No because it took time, and he was very talented to do something like that, and thats is why i think i cant do that paint.
Lara h. Period 5=]
1. I think that maybe he drew on the wall before he started doing the karate chop painting, so he knew where to do the painting and be accurate than having nothing be there .
2. it probably took him around like a a couple weeks probably.
3. I'm not sure, maybe if I was really into it, im not like a dedicated painter so I'll have to have the heart to do it.
1. He probably had a lot of practice.
2. It probably took him a few days.
3. I don't think I could do this now, but maybe with a lot of practice.
James G. prd. 7
1. He had probably practiced it many times.
2. It probably took him around half an hour.
3. I'm not sure. I probably could with a lot of practice and a lot of paint.
Richie W. period 7
I think that he probably practiced a lot and had a picture of Bruce Lee somewhere that he looked at. I think that it took him about three and a half hours to do. I think that the only way i would be able to do that was if i had like superpowers or something.
Michael M.
Period 7
1. he could just really like Bruce lee and it could of been his idle or something
Ciara W.
period 7
1.I think he practiced alot and it took longer than the video.
2.I bet it took him about 7 hours or longer because that would be what i guess if i had to.
3.And no i couldn't make something like that because I can barely make a picture of a person anyways.
Seth P. Period 7
1. I think he probably drew it first and colored in the lines.
2.I think an hour and half because it was sped up and it looked like it skipped parts.
3.I might be able to make that but i would need a picture and I would make it more colorful than that.
Audrey p.
period 7
1. He probably studied a picture of Bruce Lee before he painted the picture.
2. It took him about an hour and a half. It looked to perfect to be made so quickly.
3. I could paint that picture with help from a friend. It would take me about 5 hours to complete.
Quantrice N.
he probably did a lot of practicing and looked at pictures to get ideas.
probably like 5 hours
never! i don't have the patients or the good temper if i messed up.
Sophie M.
Period 7
1. There was a picture he copied onto the wall.
2. I think it took about 4 hours because that was very large and well done so he couldn't have done it fast.
3. I could probably do it if I had a lot of practice and time.
Joey S.
Period 7
1. I think he had a lot of practice before he did it and posted it on youtube.
2.I think it took him a few weeks to complete.
3.Yes if I had a lot of time and practice.
Damien Q 7th period
1. I think he practiced before he actualy did it and also might have had a pic he was looking at that he was modeling.
2. I think that took him probaly like an hour an a half or maybe two hours its was sped up to make it look like he did it quik
3. I could never do anything like that It would take me my whole life to make something like that and i would have to practice a thousand times to do that that was amazing!
Eddie c. period 7
1. I think he painted so well and large because he probably practiced quite a few times.
2. I think it really took him about 7 or 9 hours to paint that huge picture.
3. I might be able to if I really planned it out and got a lot of sleep before I did it.
1.He probably lightly drew the Bruce Lee picture in pencil first then he went over it using his arms and hands.
2.It probably took him six hours.
3.I would not be able to do that.
Aaron S.
7th Period
1.) i think that he has done this before in a smaller version and thats why he was so good and fast at it
2.)i think it took him mabey 30 minuets
3.)i think that i would be very hard because i am not very skilled at painting i could only do if if i had done it before
john c per 7
1.I think He Did A Smaller Painting First Then just Made It Bigger.
2.I Think It Took Him Around 3 hours to really do the painting.
3.I don't I Would Ever Be able to do anything like that.
Princess G.
1. i think he fast fowarded the tape he made which made it look like it was going fast.
2. I think he did it in 5 hours max.
3. I think hat he is a professional hand painter who has practiced most of his life.
It looked like he had done that for a really long time. He didn't care how he put the paint on the wall as long as it was in a certain spot. It was really cool.
Jon W.
1. I think he made it large by drawing the picture but increasing the size. He made it the picture accurate by using little strokes of paint.
2. It probably took him about an hour and a half because he only took only a little paint at a time.
3. I couldn't something like what he did because I am not very accurate with drawings and I am not good at drawing people.
Lizzie K. Pd. 7
1.I think he painted tis picture by just pictured it.
2.I think it took him about 2 hours.
3.I don't think i could because i would get sleepy and its to much work.
jaylen t
period 7
1. I think he painted the picture so well and huge because he practiced many times a day.
2. I think it took him around 7 to 9 hours to paint the picture.
3. I think I might be able to do something like that if I had a good mental picture and if I got a lot of sleep that day.
Sydney R.Q.
1. I think it is so accurate because all the marks are consecutive in bruce lee's face and body.
2. I think it took him about 5 hours because that would be hard to free hand it.
3. I think I could do that because it is just consecutive hand marks.
Jake B.
Pd. 7
1. he started with an outline, and then after that, every time he went back to get paint, he looked to see where he should paint next
2. about a whole entire day, and maybe a night.
3. he is far more acurate than i am , no
1. I think he was able to paint it so big and accurate by first drawing it in pencil then going over and in between it with the paint.
2. I think it took him 1 day.
3. I really don't think i could ever do anyhting this good.
1. I think he was able to paint it so big and accurate by first drawing it in pencil then going over and in between it with the paint.
2. I think it took him 1 day.
3. I really don't think i could ever do anyhting this good.
1. He probably had a picture of bruce lee or practiced on paper before this.
2. It probably took him an hour or two since the video was sped up.
3. I could do it if i practiced a lot.
Nick S. Period 8
1. First of all, he is a genius. Second of all, I think he did a grid and measured the real space to scale.
2. I think it took him about 4 hours.
3. I don't think I could do something like this because I am very bad at art and it is hard for me to motivate myself to do something good. I could try, but it wouldn't turn out good because I would have no motivation to make it good.
Danielle Z. per. 8
1. he probably either had a picture of Bruce lee or had really practiced painting and had the picture clearly in his head.
2. it probably took him about half of a day to paint the picture
3.i could probably have done something similar to this if i had a lot of time and space and no disruptions
A.N. period 8
1. He probably did the drawing before to practice getting it right.
2. I'm sure this painting took kind of a while. It probably a few hours, because I could tell that the video was sped up.
3. I'm sure I could do something like this if I had enough time and if it was a picture of something that was fun for me to work on.
Anna F., Period 8
1. I think that he might have painted the same thing before, but on a smaller scale to practice and then done the big one.
2. I think the painting probably took a couple days to do.
3. I think that if I really set my mind to it i could probably to something like that. It would probably take me a really long time and wouldn't be that good, though.
Leah J. Period 8
He painted it so big by using the sides of his hands.
It took him 4 hours.
Timmy! Howell
I think it took him a while to make this. It was very accurate because he probaly looked at a picture. If someone helped me then I could do something like this.
Yassmin L., pd. 8
1. he probably had a picture of Bruce Lee or had drawn it lightly with pencil to fill it out.
2. it probably took him about half of a day.
3.i could have done something similar to that if i had a LOT of time no disruptions, and a lot of space.
Amy N.
Period 8
1.He probably had a picture of Bruce Lee and practiced for a long time
2. It probably took him a hour and fifty six minutes
3.Probably not I'm not that talented.
Kyle M.,Period 8
Siobhan F. period 9
1. I think he made a graph then measured the walls so that they would match.
2. I think it took him about a week.
3. I would probably never be able to do that.
1. I think that he made it by drawing it smaller first and just made it bigger.
2. I think it took a long time or else it wouldn't look as good.
3. I'm not the best artist but if i took a while to draw it on some paper maybe i could make it look as good on a wall.
Tito Tate
Maybe he look at his drawing from far way to see it very small.
It took him about 4 hours.
No because i would mess up by the hour.
1.He probably had already drawn a smaller picture of Bruce Lee and imagine how to do it with his hands on a wall.
2.I think it took him about 3 weeks to make that whole painting.
3.Bridget Wilkie
1. i think he painted it so large and accurately because he probably had a light penciled drawing on the wall already.
2. I think it took him a few hours. This doesn't seem like an easy task, and if he did indeed pencil the image first, then that would have taken him some time too.
3. If i had enough time (a few days), determination, and some more skill i could probably create something like this.
Svetlana S. Period 9
anonymous said...
1. I bealive that he was a really patient guy, and that he just has a wide imagination. Beacause if ti was me ,I would of messed up.
2. By the way the video was basicly in fast-motion. I bealive that it took him about two hours.
3. I bealive that somewhere deep down inside my heart. Maybe Icould make somthing like that. But the figure on the wall would have to be me.
1. He probably had to practice a lot until he got the picture correct.
2. I think it took him 2 or 3 days to do it.
3. I don't think I could do this, I don't have the patience to work on this.
Kyle V. Period 9
1. He probably had a picture of Bruce Lee that was at a safe distance from the paint that this guy would occasionally take a look at.
2. It probably took him around an hour. The whole thing looked considerably sped up.
3. I could probably do if I had training and a sketch in the backround that could help me.
(*~!!~*Jasmen Paul*~!!~*)
Period 9
1 i think he had alot of practice and had drawn that picture on paper many times before. he probably had something to look at.
2.i think it took him an hour or more because he had to get all of the details right plus fill in all of the dark spaces.
3 i could do it if i had alot of practice and the picture i was recreating was really easy.
Will m. prd 9
1.He probably looked at a lot of Bruce Lee and kept looking at picture of him to make sure it was right.
2.It probably took like a week to do all of it because it looks complicated.
3.NO i probably couldn't do something like that because i cant even really paint with my hand let alone the side of my hand.
Alexia H.
5th Period
1. How do you think he painted the image so large and so accurate?
Time and effort
2. How long do you think it really took him?
I think it took him 3 or 4 days it just seems impossible for him to finish it that quickly
3. Do you think you could do something like this?
No i do not because it seems very hard and i wouldn't even to think to do something like that on my own
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